Our Photos
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Ritty's Philosophical Musings...

Our Photos!!!!
The live photos were taken from the battle of the bands gig in lanchester, we'll add more when we have more gigs and things

(Kevin Carters biggest picture) read about him at ....http://home-4.tiscali.nl/~t892660/msp/time.htm

Even though Ritty's a media student he still cant take pictures....

Russ And Ritty

This is A.K.A splodge's band, don't ask why we have a picture of them

And this is our number one fan, i dunno his name though....

percussion solo in "Vodka And Lilt"

Buzz.....How Much Does This Guy Rock?!?!?

A Very Lo- Res Picture

Russ, And His Lovley Marshall Stack Behind Him, And Of Course Ritty, And That's Mark (Head) The Tech

How cool is ritty's cowboy shirt?

The Hip-man in action....

It's gotta be early in the set if Buzz has kept his shirt on....

Pretty blurry picture....