Ritty's Philosophical Musings
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Ritty's Philosophical Musings...

Thank You Beth for the intelligent sounding page title =)
Ok, Russ here, i decided, since Ritty's been clogging up the main page with random ramblings and shit, i'd give him his own little page, because im lovley like that...

Hippy's Ramblings.....
typical rock bands drink jack daniels and get fucked-up because they have this romantic, glamorous jack kerouac vision of the world. when i sit in my bedroom with a book and a bottle of vodka, i do it because i'm sad, not cause i think it's cool. i want to forget what i'm thinking about.

What made Richey the way he was? There is no dramatic thing, that's the scariest thing of all. To be honest, I think that, if anything, it's because his childhood was so happy that when he reached the age of responsibility, he couldn't handle it. He genuinely loved being young, but when you leave school, that's when the real world hits you. That's the most traumatic thing, having to grow up and realising - as he would put it - that everything was shit. Richey used to say'you're born unmarked', then he'd look at himself and go, 'now I'm scarred'. They do say that 27 is the optimum time for males to commit suicide or break down, usually because of a longing for a disappearing youth.

A fake smile and a SWEET HEART

i maybe paranoid but im no android not just a melodramtic drama queen, ready fire aim , for teh only freedom left is the freedom to starve...

ritty- pointless rambling............sorry...

latley ive been losing faith in music, generally certain bands haveonly a certain type of teenage fan.. certain books ive read have made me realise certain things shouldnt go together. Bands being millonaires, suicides and richey edwards disapearing have all made an impact the manics introuduced a cultural change, only to revert to the 'trendy' dress image. Oasis well they did the same the only thing is they are beatles rip off's. You do anything about it everything just fits into a place for some reason.....
The fact that bands can progress is the only reason im in a band, vent some anger.oh and the fact i have nothing to do. When i start getting paid for gigs will be the day the world will fade out. Fair enough i need strings and stuff but still..anyone should like my band..... im glad were all not so great looking cos then we would have that mtv vibe going on like avril, and well at least we write our songs.

Anyone see my pink feather thing ? last wednesday ? maybe not ..... until the next gig keep your roots rooted and dont be expecting too much . Always thank people your grateful too i just thought id write some dribble before i went away on hoilidauy hopefully ill buy a new guitar (so much for capitalism) hope i dont die in the airplane, im still convinced airplanes aint safe)

x til next sunday peace, love, and empathy x

p.s ive finished a new song.......

Hippy Talk!!!